Full List of Features
- Easy-to-use Excel interface
- Missing value imputation with 20-nearest neighbors
- 2D plots of additive effects for visualizing nonlinearity
- 3D plots for visualizing interactions
- Overall fit measures GoF
- Fit measures structural model: R2
- Fit measures measurement model: Crombachs Alpha, AEV, Composite Reliability
- Path strenght measures (standarized and unstandardized): Average Simulated Effect (ASE), OEAD, Linear Path Coefficient, Absolute Maximum Effect
- Factor Scores
- Polinomial formula for every nonlinearity
- Interaction strength effect IE
- T-values and significance level for ASE, OEAD, LPC, IE
- Confidence intervales 10% – 90%
- Nominal variables as gender can be incorporated like every other MV
- Estimates Total Effects by summarizing direct and indirect impacts
- Reflexive and Formative constructs usable
- Invert scale of MV to improve readability of plots
- Normalizing scale to 0-100% to improve readability of plots
- Disable Bootstrapping and plottings
- Over-weighting of rare cases.
- Cross-validation and Hold-One-Out
- Specify No. of interations
- Specify NN size and size of Committee-of-Networks
- Specify apriori probablility of paths
- Linear Partial Least Squares
- Second-order models
- Hierarchical Bayes for calculation of individual OEAD (path strength)
- CAA Competitive Advantage Analysis
- TS time serial data analysis
- Missing Imputation
- Case weightning
- Segment-wise modeling
- 2-Stage Least Square correction (… of endogenious variables by using instrumental exogenious variables. This enables true models although important variables that influence several endogenious variables are missing.)
Additional revolutionary features
- Causal Direction Discovery: Evaluates bidirectional paths and potentially identifies true causal direction.
- Universal Multi-Target Regression: Regression method that can handle fewer cases than input variables by regressing on multiple target variables simioutaniously.