

What We Do

We help you succeed by uncovering the drivers of your business’ success.
We specialize in:

  • Marketing Mix Modeling
  • Brand and Product Positioning
  • Corporate Strategy Optimization
  • Customer Satisfaction Modeling
  • Price, Churn, and Cross Selling Models

Why Us?

The complexities of today’s marketplace have dramatically increased the challenge of developing, implementing, and measuring marketing strategies that resonate with your customers. We developed NEUSREL to help. NEUSREL uses a comprehensive and powerful modeling methodology to analyze complex data sets – allowing you to explore causal relationships between strategic decision making and marketplace outcomes.

The NEUSREL advantage:

  • Accuracy: It delivers increased explanatory power as a prerequisite for greater return on investment
  • Visualization: visual models help clarify complex, potentially nonlinear cause and effect relationships
  • Flexibility: NEUSREL maintains high model validity, even with very small datasets

Contact us to learn more