Tired of
Biased, Unreliable & Impractical
Market Research?
Then, worlds first Causal AI for Marketing Research is for you.
Supra.Tools is a Managed Insights Service for Enterprises.
Then, worlds first Causal AI for Marketing Research is for you.
Supra.Tools is a Managed Insights Service for Enterprises.
Go beyond CONJOINTs limits.
Measure accurately customers willingness to pay
And learn how to drive this with product, brand and touchpoints.
Go beyond correlations or traditional driver analysis.
Measure drivers and context holistically about your category,
And let Causal AI do the magic.
Traditional market research is biased and fails to uncover what you really need for decision making: Understanding root-causes of success.
Supra.Tools standardizes high-end research approaches improved by implicit measurement and analyzed by Causal AI and provides results in interactive dashboards.
Supra.tools has won the innovation award at INSIGHTS conference 2023 and our work had been awarded to present at ESOMAR World Conference already 5 times in recent years.
The work has been published scientifically and in many books – most recently “Thing Causal”, “Pricing Intelligence” and “CX Insights Manifesto”
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